Children with special needs (autism & DS) required special handling in all matters relating to child development. It is expected that future children can discover their full potential. Latent potential of high brainpower possessed children with autism and children with Down syndrome. They need a hyper development of brain cells to be able to keep pace with the power of reason and the capacity of information useful for self-reliance is expected. In connection with such rights in order to broaden horizons and provide supplies for educators and parents who have a specialty treatment (children with khusu) SD Muhammadiyah Magelang 2 City held a two-day seminar (20.21 / 11) for the purpose of exploring the potential of children children with special needs (ABK). In addition to exploring the potential of children with special needs also to give an idea that many of the potential of the crew who is still much neglected both by the educational institution or by the parents themselves who tend to be more cover-up over the child.
Need we saw together that important period in the development of the child is at early ages. At this time the basic growth that will affect and determine the next child development. Even the development of language skills, creativity, social awareness, emotional intelligence and running quickly in those days. We need to remember that there are three basic needs of a child including, first, a child has a need to care for (biomedical) in the form of care needs, nutrition, safety, and protection from their parents and society. Second, a child has emotional needs of a sense of security physically and psychologically from a mother, need to be loved, praised, appreciated, and needed new experiences. Not vice versa even more anger from their parents get cornered, not given the opportunity to gain new experiences and even put in the stocks. Third, a child needs for his mental wheels in order to get the stimulus to develop the mental attitude that is ready to enter the world of education in a comprehensive manner. Children who have a steady personality, has the intelligence, wisdom and wise is the hope of all parents.
Speakers at the first of the seminar is Alloysius Hanung Rumekso, Bsc Sp. Of Special Edu Grow - School Transition for Children with Special Needs - Jakarta. And the speaker Both are Satrio Wibowo HDN, Sspol of Zahra Alternative. Also attending the seminar Parindrati Woro Andini, S. Psi, Dipl, Sp.N. Edu. (Director of Special Grow Jakarta).
The seminar was opened by Hari Purwanto, S.Pd.I (Principal), presents a special first day of school teachers held a school inclusion. The second day brings good parents who have children with special needs or who do not have children with special needs.
Matters submitted by the first speaker that the development of every child that covers the 4 areas through which every individual development (physical development, cognitive development, language and communication development, emotion and social development). Someone has not been able to determine the child is autistic or the like before the research is supported by medical data are adequate. So the handling of children with special needs right on target and to accelerate its development well.
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